Our Services
Fresh Serve Kitchen Service
At Fresh Serve Kitchen Service we cater to our customers who crave wholesome and healthy meals by cooking their meals right there in the comfort of their own kitchen.
Our cooks and chefs on order, come to your home, cook your meals, pack in containers, keep in your freezer and leave. While some of our customers provide the ingredients themselves, most prefer we source the ingredients ourselves because most of the ingredients are grown on our organic farms, which guarantees freshness and wholeness of the vegetables and other ingredients.
And if they prefer we cook in our own kitchen and deliver, we oblige them.
What type of foods do we cook?
We cook all type of foods or soups as requested by our customers as we have expert cooks and chefs specializing in the preparation of local and continent dishes and soups.
And if they prefer we cook in our own kitchen and deliver, we oblige them.
What do our customers gain?
- It is time-saving
- It is also cost-saving
- It guarantees consumption of fresh and healthy foods week in, week out.

Fresh Serve Farmers’ Market
The Farmers’ Market is a privately arranged or organised market run by Fresh Serve.
How does it work?
We bring this market to corporate organisations, schools, neighbourhoods, etc. and the produce sold in these markets are harvested from our organic farms either at night or very early in the morning of the designated market day.
The idea is to ensure that our customers and buyers access, fresh foods, fresh vegetables and other produce. The buzz phrase in the Fresh Serve Farmers’ Market is fresh foods at its freshest. Our food produce is organically grown or raised free from fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
What do our customers gain?
- Fresh foods with guaranteed nutritional value
- Fresh foods at affordable prices
- Fresh foods handled with care, hygienically-package and environmentally-friendly
- Our customers also have a choice to pre-order their food produce straight from our organic farms
Fresh Serve Home Gardening Services
A lot of families have returned to the good old days when families had backyard gardens where they grow vegetables, pepper, tomatoes, etc. In those days, produce from these organic gardens ensured that family meals are cooked with fresh farm produce with guarantees of healthy and nutritional diets.
If you’re one of such families with a backyard garden or you have a space to start one, our Home Gardening Services offers you the unique benefits of our farming expertise. We help you plant your crops, nurture and manage your backyard garden for 100% benefits to your family health and well-being.
The beauty of this service is that even if you don’t have a landed space, we can plant your preferred crops in flower pots for you. Just tell us what crops you want, we’ll plant and nurture for you.
Besides, the assured supply of fresh farm produces, your home garden provides your home with that life-giving oxygen and cool ambience humans need to leave healthy lives in today’s highly polluted environment.

Fresh Serve School Farm Project
In those good old days, schools had school farms where pupils and student learn and practice agriculture and farming. But these days when interests have been shifted to other fields, not many schools have school farms resulting in the loss of interest in agriculture and farming by our young people.
Our School Farm Project aims at wooing our young ones back to agriculture and farming and to help cultivate their interest in the money-spinning business of commercial agriculture. To further get our young people to cultivate an interest in agriculture and farming, we organise school excursions to farms to enable pupils/students to have a first-hand feel of farming and agriculture practice.
Another important aspect of this project is that we help schools set up and nurture their school farms because we know it’s not just enough talking about the benefits of agriculture and farming to humans and to society if we don’t have practical exhibitions of agriculture and farming practice.
If food is one of the necessities for human survival, then, we need to start talking about agriculture and farming from the cradle.